News South Africa

Erotic art, randy rodeos and Pricasso at Sexpo 2008

If you managed to miss this year's Sexpo, you ought to give yourself a good spanking. If we had known there was so much to see and do we might have planned our whole day around it. Apart from the interesting stalls selling all those naughty tricks of the trade there was the main stage events and workshops to attend that would have the prude blushing like a fully ripened tomato. Sexpo is not just about whips and chains and painting with your penis, it's about health, sexuality and lifestyle, creating awareness about everyday health issues…but it's mostly about the sex.
Erotic art, randy rodeos and Pricasso at Sexpo 2008

So what did you miss? You missed out on strippers sponsored by Teazers and Mavericks, as well as a very impressive acrobatic show by none other that Miss Nude Australia, Arianna Starr. There was some audience participation with chocolate licking competitions, faking orgasms and Miss Luxy Lingerie competitions. The laugh-a-minute faking orgasm competition was hilarious with a guy and a girl doing the dialogue for a porno flick featuring two Middle Eastern women going at it. The guy seemed to be more in touch with his pornstar side than his bedside opponent and scored himself some adult leisure goodies. Ruth and I managed to catch one of the Miss Luxy Lingerie shows where the crowd decided the winner by round of applause. The dominatrix-looking chick cracked her whip and beat the rest taking first prize. The super sexy Arianna Starr put on a helluva display doing some death-defying stunts so high up in the air. The crowd didn't exactly go wild but that's mainly due to boyfriends and husbands standing next to their girlfriends and wives. Had it been a stag on the other hand…

Erotic art, randy rodeos and Pricasso at Sexpo 2008

International penile artist, Pricasso made his nude appearance at the Sexpo showing off his talent as his hard-working willy painted more than just a pretty picture or two. He has enduring stamina as he painted portrait after portrait after portrait and it seemed like he could go at it through the night. While his paintings and his technique are really impressive it makes one wonder though, how did he exactly discover he could paint with his penis…

Erotic art, randy rodeos and Pricasso at Sexpo 2008

Visitors also had the opportunity to “Ride the Randy Rodeo”. You know how you get the mechanical bull, well, the Sexpo adopted a giant penis for all willing participants to ride for as long as they could and some managed to do pretty well. They also had two really friendly Penisaurus's and Titasaurus's foreplaying around the exhibition floor. I was attacked by the Titasaurus as I was almost suffocated by its larger than life wares.

About Sindy Peters

Sindy Peters (@sindy_hullaba_lou) is a group editor at on the Construction & Engineering, Energy & Mining, and Property portals. She can be reached at moc.ytinummoczib@ydnis.
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