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Teljoy brings Christmas joy to Soweto Children's Homes

This Holiday Season, Teljoy is bringing Christmas a little early to Othandweni and Orlando Chidrens' Homes in Soweto. Known as the one stop solution for getting everything from fridges, tv's, cellphones and even gaming and computer products, the well known rental company put smiles on the faces of the children at these homes, providing them with a TV set, PlayStation 3 and games.
"The festive season is about giving and sharing memorable moments with loved ones. Unfortunately not everyone is fortunate enough to experience that. Teljoy is always looking for ways to lend a helping hand, and we are happy to play a part in helping the children enjoy the holidays," says Estie du Toit, marketing manager at Teljoy.
Both homes are heavily reliant on donations as they offer residential care for up to between 60 to 90 children of all ages who have been abused, abandoned or neglected. Othandweni has limited space for destitute mothers or pregnant women who are contemplating the future of their unborn children. Orlando home offers both curative and preventive services to deal with problems of abandonment, neglect and the abuse of children.