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Industry news: Novo Nordisk celebrates first-ever UN-observed World Diabetes Day
Wednesday, 14 November is World Diabetes Day (WDD). This year is the first time that WDD is officially recognized by the United Nations.
In South Africa, Novo Nordisk is celebrating with activities aimed at highlighting the significant role diabetes screenings may play in soliciting an earlier diagnosis and there-by avoiding the consequences of undiagnosed, untreated or inappropriately treated, diabetes.
Through a generous sponsorship from Novo Nordisk the “Changing Diabetes Bus” will be traveling the length and breadth of South Africa over the next 5 years, offering free diabetes screenings to all South Africans.
In a special effort to motivate all South African's to go for a diabetes screening during the month following WDD, Novo Nordisk have sponsored and supplied 50 000 postcards which will be distributed at major road intersections on WDD throughout South Africa. The purpose of the postcards is to remind recipients to seek their own diabetes screenings – while making it their objective to motivate at least one other person to also go for a diabetes screening – by posting the postcard to them.
“The adoption of the UN Resolution on diabetes demonstrates the need to recognise the severity of this pandemic. “ says Eric Reurts, General Manager of Novo Nordisk in South Africa.
Diabetes is a silent killer that can affect anyone at any time and is causing devastating consequences throughout the world. In 2007 diabetes is expected to cause 3.8 million deaths worldwide, almost as much as HIV/AIDS. Today 246 million people have diabetes and by 2025, the figure is expected to reach 380 million. If this trend continues at this pace, diabetes will be the worst pandemic the world has ever seen by 2025! In South Africa, as in the rest of the world, it is essential to slow the pace of the growth of this disease. One way in which this can be achieved is by encouraging people to be screened for diabetes – which can help facilitate an earlier diagnosis and access to appropriate treatment and thereby avoid the devastating consequences of untreated diabetes.
For further details on the Changing Diabetes Bus route: www.changingdiabetesbus.co.za
For further information please contact:
Lynne Zurnamer
Editorial contact
Oz Healthcare Communications
Cell: +27 82 4483868
Tel: +27 11 465 5342
Email: lynne@oz.co.za