
The role of AI in PR: A cautionary tale from Sports Illustrated
Judith Middleton 5 Apr 2024

Riaad Moosa brings New Material to cinemas
25 Jul 2022

This year's calendar features Elbé van der Merwe, Candice Boucher, Shané van der Westhuizen, Marzaan Kalis, Tanya Manganyi, Dominique Piek, Lera Koryts'ka, Shashi Naidoo, Genevieve Morton, Lyndall Jarvis and Sports Illustrated Swimwear cover girl, Catrinel Menghia.
The editor, Brendan Cooper comments, "With this being the start of the most exciting sporting year in the history of our country, we decided to give our loyal readers a new year's gift to get them in the mood for a brilliant year."