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HR & Management Opinion South Africa

[BizCareers] Start of the job hunt and reputable HR institutions

Degree, tick. Work, not so much - the December slump - when is the best time of year to start looking for work? Work, tick. Degree, not so much - we take a look at a few reputable institutions at which to study HR.

Graduate looking for work

I am graduating from my postgraduate degree at the end of the year and I am wondering when the best time to start applying for jobs is? I am only able to start working mid-February next year, so is it too early (Or perhaps too late?) to start applying? - Shayne

Hi Shayne,

Thanks for your question and congratulations on finishing your degree.

Unfortunately, towards the end of the year the majority of companies quieten down on the recruitment side, so you may find that your choices are slightly limited. Historically, January heralds quite a few resignations after bonuses are paid out in December so the job pool is bigger. Companies also relook at their recruitment budget and plans at this time of year which may mean expansion and therefore jobs. Having said this however, there are companies that pay out bonuses at their financial year-end which can occur at any time of year, so the rule doesn't always apply.

We have also seen a growing trend towards companies staying open over the December period as they are either working with international clients/timezones or just simply can't afford the downtime, so you may find opportunities sooner than you think. At the end of the day any opportunity you can find with little or no work experience is one to jump at, so you will need to be flexible and work around when the company wants you to start and not the other way around.

I would start applying in January as it may take you a while to find something suitable. In the meantime you can start doing a bit of research as to where you would like to work and in what industry, and with this information devise a plan as to how to target these specifically.

Best of luck with your job hunt, I hope you find your dream job.

Reputable institutions to study HR?

I completed matric in 1996 and studied for a year in 1997. I want to now study further in the HR industry, but am having trouble finding a suitable reputable institution, which is affordable. I am looking for another job, but am finding that all the HR positions require a formal HR qualification. I have seven years' work experience in the recruitment industry and want to now get the formal qualification. - JP

Hi JP,

Thank you for contacting me.

Well done on taking the next step, there are many excellent institutions to consider.

You will find the most flexibility through UNISA, which will allow you to work and study at the same time. They are the only distance learning university in South Africa and they offer a variety of courses, degrees and diplomas. You could look at their Diploma in Human Resources Management or a Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resources Management, it will all depend on what they will allow you to enroll for. You will need to apply in November this year in order to start in the New Year, if you wish to go this route.

There are of course many other reputable universities and institutions in South Africa to choose from that will offer you what you're looking for. If you're looking to study on campus for example, University of Witwatersrand, Monash, University of Pretoria are all great choices. Mancosa is also an affordable and reputable choice offering a Bcom in Human Resources Management.

Best of luck with your decision, and I hope it is the start of a bright future in HR for you.

Remember to always love what you do!

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  • The answers provided to questions submitted by readers will be based on the content of questions themselves, current recruitment practices and current legislation in force at the time of writing, and are intended as advisory only and such advice is provided in good faith.

  • Readers' questions are submitted on the basis that neither Juliette Attwell, Recruit Group,, their management nor associates may be held liable in any manner whatsoever for any consequences that might result from the correspondence following the advice provided. Juliette Attwell, Recruit Group,, their management or associates shall under no circumstances be held liable for any error in responses provided in this column as to the references of the candidate, relating to his or her qualifications, skills, personality and experience; as to the compliance with the various legal and medical requirements relating to the performance, by the candidate, of his or her work, or any consequence whatsoever connected to the use of false/incomplete information.

About Juliette Attwell

Juliette Attwell is Head of Marketing & Operations at Recruitgroup. Recruitgroup has won Careerjunction Recruiter of the Year in 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2014 as well as Fast Growth Business of the Year at the National Business Awards 2014. Juliette holds a Bcom Honours in Marketing Management and is the resident "agony aunt" on the BizCareers Column, she was also a finalist in the Top Young Executive at the National Business Awards 2014.
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