News South Africa

CAN DO! Scene promotes small township businesses

The CAN DO! Scene initiative has rewarded over 800 taverns, pubs and clubs around the country with free publicity for their gigs, events and promotions for choosing cans. Small business owners in townships are promoted in traditional and digital media.
CAN DO! Scene promotes small township businesses

The more cans that are stocked in these establishments, the more free advertising they receive on social media platforms, in newspapers and on the radio.

The CAN DO! Scene initiative aims to promote events and promotions taking place at these places to enhance the music and popular culture scene, whilst creating awareness about the importance of looking after the environment by choosing cans as the preferred form of beverage packaging. Over 72% of cans made annually are recycled which makes cans the most environmentally friendly form of packaging.

Alex Bouwer, Nampak Bevcans' CAN DO! marketing manager comments, "Promoting these businesses through the CAN DO! Scene initiative may lead to business growth and the potential for more employment opportunities in the townships. Not to mention encouraging popular culture through music and events which could lead to the discovery of local music talent."

For more information on the projects CAN DO! is involved with, go to

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