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ASUF seeks solutions for burning issues

"From the outset," says Chairman Japie Grobler, "we decided that joint policy positions on complicated and often controversial matters like labour, land, water, safety and security and infrastructure were the litmus test for the forum. Otherwise it would just be a talk shop for areas on which we agree anyhow. The fact that we succeeded in this regard is indicative of the realisation amongst agriculturalists that it will require a dedicated effort and cooperation amongst stakeholders to take the sector forward. Where differences still exist we utilise the forum purposefully to deal with it."
ASUF's meeting in February paid in-depth attention to land reform and President Zuma's statements regarding limitations on private land ownership, not only for citizens but also for foreigners. "ASUF is currently busy preparing its views in this regard which will be forwarded to government shortly. We believe that direct involvement by government should not be pursued and that other methods should be explored, especially with the view to keeping investment in the sector and consequently food security intact."
Grobler says that discussions at the meeting were dominated by the drought conditions currently experienced in various regions of the country, as well as the possible impact thereof on food supply in the next twelve months. Although crop estimates will only become available in the next two weeks, it does appear as if grain imports will have to increase drastically - imports of 2 million tons of summer grain was mentioned as a possibility - to meet local demand. This will in turn place a severe strain on our harbour capacity and other logistical capacities. Participation by farmers to provide information to the Crop Estimates Committee will be required. "A drought of this magnitude will obviously have further ramifications in the form of rising food prices and could also place many farmers in a position where they are not able to continue production due to an increasing debt burden. Although this will impact on all affected farmers, the impact on new entrants will be more serious", says Grobler.
Grobler indicates that ASUF will be planning a meeting with Senzeni Zokwana, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to jointly seek solutions for, among other things, the likely consequences of the current drought.