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SA encouraged to support Tekkie Tax campaign

Tekkie Tax is an annual campaign to raise funds for charities in five sectors - animals, basic community welfare, children, disability and education; carefully selected NGOs that are accountable, reliable and have a history of good service.
To show your support, you can contact CHOC Childhood Cancer Foundation for the appropriate stickers, which you'll get for a donation of just R10, and flaunt them on 30 May to match your tekkies. Wear the big sticker on your lapel and the small one on your cellphone.
You can also become a Tekkie Tax contact person and buy stickers to sell. Get everyone you know involved - your company, school, university, everyone in your street, block of flats or book club. To promote the campaign you can also get posters and brochures - absolutely free.
Walk the extra mile and get yourself a pair of funky, designer shoe laces for an additional R20. That's just R30 for the Tekkie Tax stickers plus laces. To place your order for stickers and/or shoelaces, email CHOC on az.gro.cohc@UDB.