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SACPCMP conference announces golf day
Litha Communications, the conference secretariat, will manage the golf day scheduled for 10 April 2013 at the Houghton golf club, with a shotgun start at 12 noon.
"The golf day offers sponsorship opportunities that will appeal to this high level construction audience," explains Teresa Jenkins, MD of Litha Communications.
The conference will expose industry players and potential new entrants to the government opportunities for infrastructure development over the next 10 years, which will stimulate economic growth to contribute to the growth, development and transformation of the built environment industry. It will create a platform for government to engage industry on key infrastructure projects for SADC integration. Stakeholders can discuss ways and means to rollout a seamless mentorship programme and skills development support for new entrants in the industry and create an enabling environment for growth, development and transformation.
The conference includes an exhibition and extensive sponsorship opportunities for companies wishing to target this valuable audience.
Litha Communications has been appointed to handle the conference, exhibition and sponsorship of this event and all enquiries can be emailed to az.oc.snoitacinummocahtil@stcejorp.