New drug tricks body into burning fat
The University of Louis Pasteur team found the drug protected mice against weight gain and insulin resistance. The drug SRT1720 - a chemical cousin of red wine extract resveratrol - targets the protein SIRT1, which is thought to combat ageing, Cell Metabolism reports.
The French team became interested in the SIRT1 protein after earlier studies that showed that resveratrol countered some effects of a high-calorie diet via SIRT1. From this they are trying to develop a drug that specifically targets SIRTI.
They found that a low dose of SRT1720 partially protected mice from gaining weight on a high-fat diet after 10 weeks of treatment. The drug worked by shifting the metabolism to a fat-burning mode that normally takes over only when energy levels are low.
At higher doses, the drug completely prevented weight gain. It also improved the rodents' blood sugar tolerance and insulin sensitivity, which are important for warding off diabetes.
The mice showed no sign of side effects. However, the scientists say further studies are needed to test the drug's safety and efficacy before it could be used in humans.
Other scientists are investigating SIRT1 activators similar to SRT1720 developed by Sirtris Pharmaceuticals.