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PAMRO announces early Malawi line-up
The Pan African Media Research Organisation (PAMRO) is holding its 9th annual meeting and All Africa Media Research Conference at Lake Malawi in August this year. The keynote address will be by Amandou Mather Ba, the president of All Africa Global Media in the USA. He will be discussing internet penetration in Africa, and its impact on social behaviour and business practice.
Delegates of this year's meeting and conference will be converging on Club Makokola, one of Malawi's premier resorts on the southern shore of Lake Malawi.
Registration begins on Sunday afternoon, August 19, followed by get-together drinks. On Monday, the PAMRO AGM gets under way. Non-PAMRO members may attend as observers. The morning's agenda includes country activity reports and a report on the status of PAMRO's ongoing projects, such as the Pan African LSMs, as well as a panel discussion on the training of users of media research data.
Presentations for the rest of the morning include a critical review of recent HIV/Aids statistics, with particular reference to South Africa, and a look at just how much at risk are the South African people. The first session of the conference closes at lunch with a report on the first ever Outdoor monitoring survey in Eastern Africa, leaving the afternoon free for delegates to relax or explore the shores of Lake Malawi.
The second day of the conference presents topics such as automatic telephone interviewing, and work done by Research International Zimbabwe on media research in Botswana, Malawi and Zambia. The afternoon's presentations include a look at income and expenditure trends in various African countries, and whether it is the joint industry committee (JIC), the research provider, or the software company which should own industry-wide data. The conference wraps up with a gala dinner.