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Ensuring customer satisfaction
Many firms are interested in understanding customer experience in order to improve current service offerings and ensure customer retention.
We were approached by one of South Africa's leading insurance companies to revise and refine their annual customer satisfaction tracking study in order to assist them in obtaining a more accurate understanding of their Brokers' experience when dealing with Legal Services.
Our Client provided us with a questionnaire that they had previously used, so we were only required to make some minor revisions and recommended refinements. We then programmed the online survey and ran some initial testing to ensure the survey was absolutely accurate. Personalised e-mail invitations were then sent to customers in order to provide simple directions on how to access and complete the survey.
After the e-mail deployment, we followed up with e-mail reminders to respondents who had not yet completed the survey. Upon completion, we cleaned the data through straight-line checks, contradictory response checks, negative question comparisons, and verbatim comment reviews. The results were analysed per branch as well as in total in order to provide more specific, tactical feedback.
Thereafter we conducted the data analysis and created a customised analytical report that included recommendations based on the research findings.
The customer satisfaction survey provided insight into many customer satisfaction and service dimensions as well as suggestions from the Brokers on how to improve areas of weakness.

About Insight Survey:
Insight Survey is a South African B2B market research company with almost 10 years of heritage, focusing on business-to business (B2B) market research to ensure smarter, more-profitable business decisions are made with reduced investment risk.
We offer B2B market research solutions to help you to successfully improve or expand your business, enter new markets, launch new products or better understand your internal or external environment.
Our bespoke Competitive Business Intelligence Research can help give you the edge in a global marketplace, empowering your business to overcome industry challenges quickly and effectively, and enabling you to realise your potential and achieve your vision.
From strategic overviews of your business's competitive environment through to specific competitor profiles, our customised Competitive Intelligence Research is designed to meet your unique needs.
For more information, go to www.insightsurvey.co.za.
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