Pondering Panda expanding into online panels
These are the top two emerging technologies according to the most recent GreenBook Research Industry Trends or 'GRIT' Report (Q4 2013).
Until now, its mobile research offering has been focused on younger South Africans. The addition of an online panel will provide a comprehensive view of the total South African market - across all demographic and LSM groups and be nationally dispersed.
Shirley Wakefield, CEO of Pondering Panda, said, "We've been successful with our mobile research offering, which has been purpose-built for research in emerging markets. We are now building on that by working with long established consumer community operator, Panel Services Africa, using its TellUsAboutIt panel. Adding an online panel allows us to offer a more complete digital research package and reach more people."
Pondering Panda is part of the Mxit Group, which Michael Jordaan, former CEO of First National Bank, recently joined as chairman of the board.