The terrible 2.0s
To call anything a 2.0 version - be it Enterprise 2.0, CRM 2.0 or Web 2.0 - is to imply that the new version is enhanced, extended and just plain better than 1.0. However, the problem with 2.0 is that it often breaks so far from 1.0 that it abandons what was good about 1.0.
I was at the Enterprise 2.0 conference in Boston last week. Good show, nice people, well run, and it was held at a swanky new Westin on the waterfront. It got me thinking, though, about the "two-dot-oh" phenomenon and how badly it needs a rethink.
See, the problem - whether we're dealing with Enterprise 2.0 or (maybe) CRM 2.0 or Anything 2.0 - is that the 2.0 is a misnomer, like when Microsoft periodically changes the numbering scheme for Windows. No matter what the numbering scheme says, we're all like the Greek mythological character Sisyphus, starting out in the morning with a boulder and a hill to climb. Try as we might, something in us instinctively knows how to do 1.0 much better than 2.0.