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2011 Pyro Inspiration Awards winners announced

Promotional Category - Sibaya Fix-a-Form Leaflet Label was awarded first place for its functional and clever label, with Bonny Cruse of Ogilvy accepting the coveted Gold Pyro Inspiration award on behalf of the Sibaya Casino. Dylon Levi Dreyer from Ogilvy accepted first prize on behalf of the agency. Second place went to Safari Dry Tree Fruit Fix-a-Form Leaflet Label, accepted by assistant brand manager, Willoe Coetzer, from Pioneer Foods.
Informational Category - Pomegranate's bold and eye-catching Fix-a-Form Leaflet Label was awarded the first and only prize in the Informational Category, with Yvette Konstadopoulos, marketing manager of In Our Green House, accepting the award.
Two of the event guests emerged as winners in a demonstration of the effectiveness of the company's MobileInteractive solution, a campaign that seamlessly integrates new media marketing with on-pack. Guests were invited to SMS their name to enter. After a light-hearted race by all present to text the answer, the winners were announced as Nicoletta Mattioli from Parmalat taking home an iPod Nano and Ebith Jurgens from Distell walking away with inspirational guest speaker Sean Wisedale's book about his expedition to climb Mount Everest.