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How green is my marketing

Nielsen Online recently released findings that find that protecting the environment has become increasingly important to consumers, with online buzz around sustainability growing 50% in 2007.

While early in the year discussion was dominated by the topic of global warming, bloggers progressively addressed a wider variety of green-related issues, with a particular emphasis on personal action such as recycling, avoiding excess packaging, and carpooling.

Jessica Hogue, research director, Nielsen Online, said "...consumers are becoming increasingly vocal online about the issue of sustainability... Blogger attention to... issues like pollution, toxins and sustainable agriculture reveal an important intersection between personal health and environmental wellness."

How green is my marketing

Discovery Channel's TreeHugger led the top sustainability blogs for 2007

How green is my marketing

Not only are consumers looking for practical steps they can take to reduce personal environmental impact, but also they are also holding corporations accountable for action and results, says the report. Bloggers are quick to condemn "greenwashing" - when they suspect companies misrepresent their environmental impact with aggressive PR campaigns - as spurious attempts to be "green." Consumers expect consistency in action and authentic and transparent messaging.

How green is my marketing

The Nielsen Online analysis showed that similar environmental initiatives could provoke different consumer responses depending on a company's reputation and history. In the retail sector, says the study, while Wal-Mart and Target both introduced reusable shopping bags, some consumers voiced scepticism towards Wal-Mart because of its association with environmental, labour, and health care issues.

Hogue said, "When it comes to the environment, consumers are insisting on both transparency and consistency from the corporations they patronize... Consumer support depends on action as well as perceived sincerity and commitment."

For more information, please visit Nielsen Online here.

Article courtesy MediaPost

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