Digital News South Africa

EU spotlight on future of digital publishing

Europe's publishers' annual opportunity to showcase their industry and help shape current and future EU policy affecting the creative industries takes place in Brussels on Thursday, 6 December 2007. This year's focus will be on the digital development of publishing and the impact of the digital age on creative industries.

The third Publishers' Forum is jointly organised by the European Commission and Europe's publishing groups as an opportunity for publishers to present the realities of their industry in order to inform good policy making at EU level.

Keynote speaker Cory Ondrejka, CTO of Second Life, will be presenting in the morning. Commissioner Reding will open the event and, throughout the day, along with senior commission officials from different departments, will hear presentations from publishing industry figures including:

  • Stéphanie Van Duin, director business development, member of the Executive Committee, Hachette Books
  • Ronald Schild, CEO, MVB (Marketing und Verlagsservice GmbH), Libreka!
  • Jonas Modig, FEP president, member of the Board of Bonnier
  • Arnaud de Saint-Simon, COO, Psychologies magazine
  • Mario Tascón, director general of contents at PrisaCom (El Païs)
  • Tomasz Jozefacki, director of Internet division (Agora)
  • Claude Droussent, editorial director, l'Equipe
  • Francisco Pinto Balsemão, EPC president, chairman and CEO Impresa S.G.P.S
  • Yahoo ad services: Jean-Christophe Conti, VP, Yahoo! Search Marketing, Europe
  • Pedro Norton, CEO and publisher of Impresa Jornais
  • David Hanger, FAEP president and former publisher of The Economist
  • Richard Duggleby, head of external relations, Yell
  • Nikolaus Futter, EADP president, MD, Compass
  • Kees Spaan, ENPA VP, president of Nederlandse Dagbladers (NDP – Dutch Newspaper Publishers Association)
  • Guenter Hoermandinger, policy officer in DG ENV, Unit C3 (Clean Air and Transport)
  • Maria Iglesia Gomez, head of unit, DG Health and Consumer Protection
  • Andrew Moger, founder of the News Media Coalition

Morning sessions will include presentations on “Connecting readers to content”; “Multiplatform evolution in the newsroom” and “Generating revenues in the digital age”.

The afternoon session will be an open debate on the current legislative topics of self-regulation and VAT, both issues of vital importance to the future of publishing in Europe.

Attendance is free by prior registration. Contact for more information or to register. Journalists are free to register by contacting Heidi Lambert: . Journalists who have not pre-registered will not be granted access.

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