Media News South Africa

Govt defensiveness adds to neg image - DA

Government and the ANC too often conform to the stereotypes that Afro-pessimists have of African governments, stated the Democratic Alliance's parliamentary leader Sandra Botha at the International Media Forum in Johannesburg, yesterday, Thursday, 22 May 2008. She also said that the extreme defensiveness and arrogance with which the president and Government respond to negative media reports has had a devastating impact on South Africa's international image.

They do so by undermining the institutions of democracy, such as Parliament and the National Prosecuting Authority, by letting corrupt Travelgate politicians go unchecked, in terms of the arms deal and letting the infrastructure flounder with Eskom as the prime example.

When Government is confronted by sensitive issues which may result in negative reporting, there is often a head-in-the-sand approach, followed by a game of smoke and mirrors, often crowned by a voluminous report that is either contradictory to be of any value or left to gather dust so as to keep the truth from the public view.

Botha said the country's image will not be improved by the passing of dubious legislation and regulations restricting the media, casting doubts over editorial objectivity or the independence of individual publications.

The best way to deal with any negative preconceived ideas that might be held in the international community about South Africa is to dispel them through transparent and pro-active communication and a clear sense of accountability.

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