Media News South Africa

Two top New York Times editors quit amid plagiarism scandal

Executive Editor Howell Raines and Managing Editor Gerald Boyd have resigned amid a scandal caused by a reporter who plagiarised and falsified dozens of stories at New York Times.

Former reporter Jayson Blair, 27, resigned May 1 after an initial investigation found plagiarism and inaccuracies in 36 of 73 articles Blair wrote between October and April.

Mr Raines and Mr Boyd were blamed for overlooking various warnings, or even a direct email by Metropolitan Editor Jonathan Landman: "We have to stop Jayson from writing for the Times. Right now."

The scandal exposed sagging morale and brewing dissatisfaction with Executive Editor Howell Raines' management style, which many saw as hierarchical and distant.

Joseph Lelyveld, 66, the paper's former executive editor well-liked by the newsroom, has been named interim executive editor. No interim managing editor would be appointed.

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