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The Creative Circle 2013 Ad of the Year results

The Creative Circle announced the winners of its 2013 Ad of the Year Awards on 3 April at the new revamped The Venue, Melrose Arch, Johannesburg.
The Creative Circle 2013 Ad of the Year results

The Creative Circle Ad of the Year results have been announced, and Creative Circle chairperson Justin Gomes - FoxP2 comments: "A great turn out on Thursday night, thanks everyone - one of the most attended Ad Of The Year awards with the shortest speech by a sponsor I can recall. Looking at the winners, there were no major surprises with all the work having been awarded at earlier award shows. It is a healthy body of work, but for me, the Digital winner from Ogilvy CT is where we need to be aiming as an industry - an innovative idea with scale that is made all the more powerful through close-knit client and agency collaboration. If we want to compete on the international stage, we have to be aiming for the big, resonant ideas that have the power to permeate popular culture and make our clients famous."

Individual agency winners

7 Points5 Points3 Points
TBWA Hunt Lascaris315
FCB JHB/HelloComputer 2113
Net#Work BBDO 1213
Ogilvy CT1112
Joe Public17
Y&R SA17
Fox P215
Ireland Davenport13
Ogilvy Jhb13
Owen Kessel Leo Burnett13

Group agencies

7 Points5 Points3 Points
FCB (Jhb/CT/HelloComputer12120
Ogilvy (Jhb/CT)11115
Net#Work BBDO 1213
TBWA Hunt Lascaris (Jhb)13
Joe Public17
Y&R SA17
Fox P215
Ireland Davenport13
Owen Kessel Leo Burnett13

Ad of the Year 2013

Details of Gold

DDB SAPrintMcDonald's/ Kids Birthday Parties
"Matthew & The Paper House/Ollie &
The Glass House/Abigail & The Inflatable House"
FCB CTOut of HomeEngen/ Calendar "Fire Blanket"
NET#WORK BBDOFilmMercedes-Benz/Attention Assist "Colleague"
JOE PUBLICRadioOne School at a Time "Project English Day 1-5"
Y&R SAExperientialSafety Lab & Blikkiesdorp4Hope "Hope Soap
OGILVY CTDigitalCape Town Tourism "Send your Facebook Profile to Cape Town"

Detail of Silver

TBWA HUNT LASCARISPrintFlight Centre/Student Flights "Irish/Austrian/
FOXP2Out of HomeSter Kinekor "Laptop Billboard"
TBWA HUNT LASCARISFilmTiger Brands/Uniball -Write in your Own Voice "Bust you Out/Swapped at Birth/Pappy is Dead"
FCB JHBRadioToyota SA/Genuine Parts "Ride of the Valkyries/In the Hall of the Mountain King/William Tell Overture"
FCB JHBRadioToyota SA/Lexus "Clinches"
IRELAND DAVENPORTExperientialFox International/Crime Channel "Cinema Crime Scene"
OGILVY CTDigitalAudi SA/R8 Coupe "Gone in 5 Minutes"

Details of Bronze

TBWA HUNT LASCARISPrintMail & Guardian/Freedom is Knowing "Napalm Girl/Diana Tunnel/Mandela Prison/Twin Towers"
NATIVEOut of HomeThe Organ Foundation "Exchange"
NET#WORK BBDOFilmSANBS/Blood Donations "Ad Break Donations"
OWEN KESSEL LEO BURNETTFilmBusiness Day "Education/Housing/Guptas - More Rights than You"
NET#WORK BBDORadioMercedes-Benz/Certified Pre-Owned "Nest"
OGILVY JHBExperientialKFC/Add Hope "Journey of Hope"
FCB JHB/HELLOCOMPUTERDigitalJHB Zoo "World's first LIVE Tweeting Badger"

Advertising judges
Justin Gomes, FoxP2 (Chair)
Adam Webber, Joe Public
Brett Morris, FCB
Chris Gotz, Ogilvy
Fran Luckin, Quirk
Festus Masekwameng, MojoMR
Graham Lang, Y&R
Grant Sithole, FCB
Gareth Lessing, M&C Saatchiabel
Jenny Glover, Net#Work BBDO
John Davenport, Ireland Davenport
Kirk Gainsford, Lowe
Nathan Reddy , Grid
Neo Mashigo, Ogilvy
Rob McLennan, KingJames 11
Theo Ferreira, Aquaonline
Vanessa Pearson, House of Brave
Vincent Osmond, TBWA Hunt Lascaris

Digital judges
Pete Case, Gloo (Chair)
Fred Roed, WWC
Fran Luckin, Quirk
Matt Ross, Punk/KingJames
Fran Luckin, Quirk
Matt Ross, Punk/KingJames
Nelri Rossam, Native
Gareth McPherson, Machine
David Moffat, HelloComputer
Nathan Sigauke, M&C Saatchiabel
Tom Cullinan, The Jupiter Drawing Room
Grant Jacobsen, FoxP2

CategoryAdvertising chair comments
PrintMcDonalds Kid's Birthday Parties from DDB edged out Hunt Lascaris's Student Flights for first place. Beautifully crafted off a timeless insight, this campaign is a worthy follow up to the original Kid's Birthday Parties that saw DDB go onstage to collect Cannes Gold in 2012. As an ex-writer, I have to mention I'm a massive fan of Vincent Osmond's headlines in the Student Flight campaign and any other year, this would probably have been a first place winner.
FilmNot content with cleaning up every Radio award known to man, Jenny and Brent have taken Mercedes Benz Auto Assist into Film with a simple idea perfectly executed by the unassuming, yet highly talented Bruno Bossi of Egg Films. The casting, performances and soundtrack are all bang on point.
ExperientialHope Soap for Safety Lab and Blikkiesdorp4Hope continued on its winning ways for the Y&R team. A wonderful idea that encouraged the children of Blikkiesdorp to repeatedly wash their hands with soap to get to the toys embedded inside them. This innovative piece of work has also just been nominated for a D&AD pencil. Here's holding thumbs for Graham, Rui and the rest of their team.
RadioProject English Day for One School At A Time is a great example of radio innovation from the Joe Public team. We hear a young girl reading a message live on radio every morning over the period of a week and each time we hear how her delivery improves after an afternoon spent with her English tutor practicing the same message. It was also a Gold winner at Loeries and I wouldn't be surprised to see this one go on to win some international silverware.
Out of homeA tie for first place between the Ster-Kinekor Laptop Billboard and Engen Fire-Blanket saw the judges revote with the Loerie Grand Prix winning Engen Fire-Blanket coming out on top. Another example of a brilliant idea designed to make a difference to the disadvantaged people of South Africa. As the leading provider of paraffin in the country, this Engen initiative is not only relevant but beautifully simple and effective.
DigitalCape Town Tourism asked Ogilvy CT to find a less traditional approach to marketing the Mother City. Chris and Nick's team came up with "Send your Facebook Profile on Holiday" - a digitally integrated campaign that saw Cape Town tourist bookings increase by 118%. Ogilvy Cape Town continue to dominate this space, not as a digital agency, but as an agency that is digital.

Creative Circle digital chairperson Pete Case - Gloo comments: "It was great to have such a strong judging panel for these awards, with a very diversified mix of experience coming from various types of agencies. The overall standard of work seemed stronger than last year's finalists, which is a good sign for our industry. But no surprises with the end results, and further proof that good ideas cut through to judges, whatever their creative background.

Overall, our industry seems to slowly be getting better at making compelling case study videos, but some entries still lacked the ability to get the ideas and details across, and suffered accordingly in the judging process. Anyone looking for pointers on how to package their entries would do well to use these winning case studies as a benchmark.

The top three winners represent a great spread of types of digital work produced by our industry, from an integrated campaign to tactical use of media and finally, an experiential campaign."

CategoryDigital chair comments
1st Place, Cape Town TourismTop honours this year go to Ogilvy for its Cape Town Tourism campaign. It's a well deserved win for a detailed and integrated idea that cleverly allowed people to send their Facebook profile on a virtual tour of Cape Town. By signing up and then choosing their particular areas of interest, people were sent on a personalised tour of Cape Town via content published inside their Facebook timeline.

To make this happen, the team at Ogilvy wrote and filmed a large amount of content, which helped create a convincing and unusual marketing campaign for the small hotspots and hidden gems that Cape Town has to offer tourists. The prize, for a few lucky winners, was to go on the real version of the digital tour they had chosen. For me, the beauty of this campaign was the fact that it not only reached its directly engaged participants, but also their friends and family (who jealously thought that their friend or family member was travelling overseas) via the timeline content. This helped cut through the clutter in a category that's very over-saturated globally.

2nd Place, AUDI R8This is certainly the idea of the year that I wish we'd come up with! And mostly because of its simplicity. It's essentially an ad for the new R8 that accelerates from zero to 100 km/h in 3.5 seconds. The ad therefore required less than five seconds to tell its story and so the agency tactically used the YouTube pre-roll ad space. This space forces viewers to watch the first five seconds of an ad before they can skip to whatever it is that they have chosen to watch.

Since skipped ads aren't paid for - and 90% of ads are skipped - Audi was able to tell its story to most of the audience it was exposed to for free. Very simple and such a great tactical use of media space. Well done (again), Team Ogilvy. An easier subject matter to market than tourism - and perhaps the reason judges felt it should be placed 2nd, instead of 1st at these awards.

3rd Place, Johannesburg ZooOften, digital is criticised for being cold, but this campaign oozed character and emotion. In order to draw attention to the Johannesburg Zoo, Hello Computer used one of its stars to help tell a story that was certain to create compelling content for a wide audience. They rigged the badgers' pen with six sensors that when activated by the badgers' movements, took live photos and posted them alongside cleverly crafted tweets. This created a stream of humorous and engaging social content that was followed by a substantial and increasing audience.

At its heart, a nice use of technology combined with some well-written copy - something that is often criticised as missing from South African digital work. Due to its unusual content, the campaign was widely talked about on many channels outside online, including TV, radio and print. The result was high attraction at a low cost. This must go down as the most fun and well-remembered campaign of the year.

Finally, a warm thanks to Arlene from the Creative Circle and Theresa from the IAB who've worked behind the scenes to help put the panels together throughout the year, and who organised today's judging session. Thanks also to Native who allowed us to use their venue and IT support for the final round of judging. Here's to celebrating the future of digital across the rest of 2014 - in whatever form it takes next!

Congratulations to all the winners!

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