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    Soccer branding: European soccer in Nigeria

    European soccer is making a very big impact in Nigeria, captivating the minds and attention of soccer buffs, the young, and the young at heart, affecting the way Nigerians relax and unwind, and throwing up business opportunities for smart entrepreneurs.
    Eric Okeke
    Eric Okeke

    The story of this soccer brand is that of club support, fun, entertainment, gambling, and business in Nigeria, though the game is played thousands of kilometres away. For Nigerians, soccer is the game and entertainment; football clubs and players are the brands; while viewing the matches is the business.

    The big brands of European soccer making waves in Nigeria are, the UEFA Championships, and English Premier League, and Laliga. Whenever teams in these competitions engage themselves in competitive soccer for a cup, Nigerian fans are held spellbound. It is as if the match is being played in Nigeria.

    Some fans are strong in their support of the clubs they love. Come and see the campaigns in Nigeria for these clubs before any crucial match. Sometimes, it is fanatical. And in many cases, it results in brawls and big fights between supporters of different European clubs.

    The support of clubs sometimes goes beyond the ordinary. At times, emotions run high. The big names are Manchester United, Barcelona, Chelsea, Arsenal, Real Madrid, AC Milan, and others. For these football clubs, their images loom large in Nigeria, and they command a large followership of fans that are even prepared to trade blows, fight, or engage in heated arguments in support of their clubs. The impact of European soccer in Nigeria is so intense that it is shaping the way soccer fans relax and unwind amidst fun, food and drinks.

    Club brands

    Two European clubs that have the largest crowd of supporters in Nigeria are Manchester United (Man U) and Chelsea. And the curious observer of the profile of these supporters will see clear distinctions or stratification in terms of social class, education, and income power.

    Man U has captivated the fanatical support of the middle, professional and upper class, who have flat screen television sets at home, and subscribe to cable television. And after any win by this football club, you will hear shouts of, “Man U for Life!” by excited fans.

    This is followed by thronging of beer parlours and pepper soup joints in most cities in Nigeria to celebrate the wins. When they gather there and relish the win, you will hear agitated fans tell so many stories about the match; narrate all sorts of analysis and do rigorous discourse of the game that has just been played. After every big match, there is plenty of soccer storytelling in Nigeria, especially around the sales stands of newspaper vendors where they gather to do post-match analysis.

    Chelsea on the other hand is in total control of the masses, the lower class, the street boys, the motor park touts, jobless youths and street urchins popularly known as area boys, in Lagos metropolis, Nigeria. They are more in number, are fanatical in their support for Chelsea, and are even prepared to die for the team.

    Whenever Man U confronts Chelsea in a big match, there is tension in Lagos, even before the match day. The UEFA Cup Final for 2007 or 2008(I am not sure of the year now) between Man U and Chelsea was a storm in a tea cup in Lagos.

    Match fever

    Seven days before the match, the tension was palpable in Lagos. Who will win the match? The big question triggered intense debates all over the city. Sports newspapers increased the frenzy as they soaked supporters of both clubs with interviews, latest news and rave reviews of the clubs' preparations, fitness of players, and the final match strategies.

    “Man U will win; we are Man U for Life!” The club's supporters will chant to the chagrin of Chelsea supporters who respond vociferously with “Up Chelsea!” Chelsea supporters in Lagos, outnumber the “Man U for Life” chanters. The Chelsea buffs are everywhere, more in the streets, marketplaces and motor parks. More than 80 percent of commercial bus drivers in Lagos are die-hard Chelsea fans. And they are very loud.

    Not so with Man U supporters. They are more cultured, better educated and work in blue-collar and white collar jobs. They are more gentle and refined in their football behavior, though also fanatical in their support for Man U, hence the slogan, “Man U for Life,” a clear indication they are not ready to switch their European Club brand loyalty, whether Man is winning or not. And in many cases, Man U wins.

    Player brands

    It is not only European clubs that are celebrated in Nigeria. The players are revered too. Big names like Didier Drogba, David Beckam, Messi, Christian Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Lampard, Rooney and many others are revered. These players are not only big soccer brands in Nigeria, they are idols. Nigerian youths see them as status symbols and role models. The average Nigerian teenager has large size pictures of European soccer superstars pasted in their rooms. Nigerian youths know the movement and transfer fees of European soccer stars much more than that of Nigerian soccer stars also playing in European clubs.

    Big business

    The story of European soccer brands is not only about play. It is also about business. People gamble before matches, some even going into bets. Viewing centres are springing up all over Lagos fitted with flat screen television sets and connected to cable television channels. Match fixtures are displayed on blackboards planted on street sidewalks for the attention of passersbys. These centres charge gate fees for soccer fans who want to watch matches.

    Some hotels and hospitality outfits have joined the fray of showing such matches to attract more patronage. Many of them on match days bring out flat screen television sets out in the open for free viewing. But every patron watching the match is required to buy drinks.

    But the viewing centres are running into trouble now with DSTV, the cable TV company in Africa that has the franchise to beam these football matches in the African continent. DSTV wants the viewing centres to pay fees or royalties to the company because they charge soccer fans money to watch. The cable company's position is that the channel is for home entertainment by subscribers, and if any patron charges money for viewing, the person or company has to pay something to DSTV .The viewing centres are crying foul, saying it will squeeze them out of business. A showdown is imminent.

    Besides, there are many sports souvenirs - T-shirts, pictures, wallpapers, giveaways - and other consumer items sporting European soccer stars and their clubs sold in Nigeria. It is big business.
    There are many newspapers dedicated exclusively to football. They come in different shades of tabloids, are cheaper than mainstream newspapers, and are heavily patronised by soccer loving youths to keep track of the fortunes of their favourite players and clubs. However, club loyalty does not stop them from loving any player, and they sometimes wish the player they love sign-on for their favourite clubs. Messi, the youthful Barcelona player is loved by Nigerian youngsters. They like his diminutive size and deft moves in the field of play. Nigerian youths believe this gifted Argentine boy has football sense. Same for the Brazilian, Ronaldinho.

    And so anytime you see European soccer on air, know that the fever is very strong in Nigeria.

    About Eric Okeke

    Eric Okeke received an MBA (Marketing) from ESUT Business School, Enugu, Nigeria. He is an editor, brand storyteller and media consultant. He runs Infomedia Company, a storytelling and media consultancy. He is the author of I want a Husband, a self-help book for single women searching for 'Mr Right'. Email him at .
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