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    Ogilvy Africa extends network to Indian Ocean islands

    Ogilvy Africa has strengthened its network with the addition of two agencies – Luvi in Reunion, and Novo-Comm in Madagascar - and the appointment of Maurice Publicite in Mauritius as a hub for the Indian Ocean Islands.

    The network, which is the second largest in Africa, is now represented in 39 countries, with 43 offices in 23 countries, and associates in a further 16 countries.

    Luvi is the second largest advertising agency, and the largest independent agency, in Reunion. The agency has been in operation for some seven years, and is headed by Luis Viera, who has more than 16 years' experience in advertising in Reunion.

    Novo-Comm is a start up agency, headed by Jean-Denis Boudot, a native of Reunion and supported by two highly experienced French expatriates.

    Approximately 60% of Luvi's client base currently comprises local or French brands, such as Vulco, SFR (the local cellular network operator) and the Departement de La Reunion. International brands include Air France, Citroen, Dunlop and Total, to name a few.

    In the space of just six months, Novo-Comm has already attracted a blue chip client list including Nestle, Shell (on behalf of JWT), BNI-Credit Lyonnais and Air Liquide.

    The addition of Reunion and Madagascar to the network has resulted in a strengthening of the region, with Maurice Publicite, a leading advertising agency in Mauritius, positioning itself as a regional hub for Ogilvy Africa, covering the Indian Ocean Islands.

    Editorial contact

    Ogilvy Public Relations
    Monica Bragança
    Tel: (011) 880 2271

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