Audio feed of Schabir Shaik trial denied

Three of South Africa's leading independent broadcasters have expressed their disappointment at the Durban High Court's refusal to allow an audio feed from the Schabir Shaik trial. etv, Talk Radio 702 and 567 Cape Talk earlier brought an urgent application, which was turned down by Judge Hillary Squires.

In a joint statement, the three broadcasters said they are "in the process of studying the reasons given by the Judge".

"Once we have had a chance to review the full judgment, we will decide whether or not to appeal," said 702's station manager, Yusuf Abramjee and etv channel director, Bronwyn Keene-Young.

"Although we are disappointed, our coverage of the trial will continue," said Abramjee and Keene-Young.

"Had the court ruled in favour of the broadcasters, legal history would have been made and all South Africans would have been able to have access the legal process," 567 station manager, Colleen Louw, said.

Earlier, the court turned down an application to televise the trial.

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