SRK+Consulting | Bizcommunity

Results for SRK+Consulting


Vis Reddy appointed chairman of SRK Consulting
Construction & Engineering
Vis Reddy appointed chairman of SRK Consulting

8 May 2023

SRK completes UNCCD Global Land Outlook report for SADC
Construction & Engineering
SRK completes UNCCD Global Land Outlook report for SADC

7 Dec 2022

Adopting nature-based approaches in tailings dam design
Construction & Engineering
Adopting nature-based approaches in tailings dam design

26 Nov 2021

Source: supplied by client
Energy & Mining
Importance of ESG grows

27 Sep 2021

Image: Wikipedia
Energy & Mining
Negotiating a just transition from coal

10 Jul 2020

Linda Spies, senior geotechnical engineer at SRK Consulting.
Energy & Mining
Improving the safety of tailings dams

25 Mar 2020

Why impact assessments should be built on human values
Construction & Engineering
Why impact assessments should be built on human values

27 Jun 2018

Mark Wanless, principal geologist and partner at SRK Consulting
Energy & Mining
Junior miners still being sidelined

21 Jun 2018

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